- Sir Samuel and Lady M. Hoare board aeroplane at Croydon Aerodrome.
Primrose Day - Joynson Hicks (1923)
- New Postmaster General Sir W. Joynson-Hicks at annual tribute to...
Ryder Cup Team Farewell (1947)
- Ryder Cup golfers attend a farewell dinner in London before setting off...
Everest Conquerers In Delhi (1953)
- Edmund Hillary and Sir John Hunt arrive in Delhi India after...
A Gallant Failure (1929)
- Sir Malcolm Campbell attempts World land speed record in South Africa.
Football Match In Egypt (1947)
- Shots of British Unit Service playing football with Egyptian team.
Mrs Roosevelt And Sir Philip Warter. A.B.C. Chief Arrive. (1948)
- Mrs. Roosevelt being greeted by...
Record Breaking Fliers Home! (1933)
- Aviators Gayford and Nicholetts are greeted by Air Ministers on...
We Go Aboard The Ocean Queen (1946)
- John Parsons interviews celebrities on maiden peacetime voyage of...
RAF Reserves Club Annual Dinner (1960)
- Annual dinner of the Royal Air Force Reserves Club - attended...
The Budget (1958)
- Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Derick Heathcoat-Amory, prepares to deliver his Budget.
Selected Originals - World In Remembrance AKA Churchill Funeral (1965)
- Material relating to...
Bradman At Savoy Lunch (1948)
- Farewell Luncheon for Australian cricketers at Savoy Hotel, London.
Everest Conquerors In Rome (1953)
- Hunt and Tensing at the airport.
Big Ben Exhibition (1959)
- Exhibition at Westminster Palace celebrating 100th anniversary of Big Ben...
Hillary And Hunt Receive Gold Medal From Eisenhower (1954)
- Medals handed to Britons for...
Aunt Sally (1963)
- Traditional game of Aunt Sally is played in an Oxfordshire beer garden.
Free Fall Parachuting (1965)
- Red Devils and American Golden Knights are filmed by a helmet camera as...
As Modest As Brave (1932)
- Sir Malcolm Campbell comments on his next attempt at the Land Speed Record.
"The Happy Lovers" (1932)
- Prince Lennart and his fiancee in relaxed interview in London rooftop - the...
"Floreat Rugbeia"! (1932)
- Sir Austen Chamberlain speaks and presents Charter of Incorporation to Mayor...
272.108 Miles Per Hour! (1933)
- Sir Malcolm Campbell introduces us to his team of mechanics after...
Welcome Home - Version 1 (1933)
- Sir Malcolm Campbell talks about America's economic problems on his...
Welcome Home - Version 2 (1933)
- Sir Malcolm Campbell's wife and son greet him on his return to England...
Get Air Minded! (1933)
- Sir Alan Cobham sets out with his Air Circus on tour of the nation.
From Grocer's Boy To Millionaire! (1930)
- Tea magnate Sir Thomas Lipton receive the Freedom of...
Good Luck Go With You Shamrock V (1930)
- Sir Thomas Lipton's racing yacht 'Shamrock V' sails off from...
The Navy's First Tattoo (1930)
- Mock up naval battles and singing sea shanties are all part of...
First Atlantic Flight (1930)
- A column is raised to commemorate the landing of Amelia Earhart's trans...
Rotten Row's First Horse Show (1933)
- Horses and riders are judged by the out spoken Sir Walter Gilby...
Sir Henry Lytton's Double Event (1934)
- Sir Henry Lytton celebrates 50 years of marriage and 50 years...
Introducing Sir Cedric Hardwicke (1934)
- Sir Cedric Hardwicke makes an appeal on behalf of...
Sir Dan Godfrey (1931)
- The composer Sir Dan Godfrey conducts the Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra.
Mr Churchill In The South (1941)
- Churchill visits Nelson's Victory and dock yard in Portsmouth.
Tower Of London Ceremony (1943)
- Field Marshal Sir Philip Chetwode is installed as Constable of the...
Cricket At Lord's - Exclusive (1943)
- Cricket - Sir Pelham Warner's team beats Royal Australian Air...
The Tichborne Curse (1947)
- The Tichborne family fulfil an ancient duty and give out flour to the people...
The National Theatre At South Kensington (1938)
- George Bernard Shaw receives title deeds of the site...
Country Wedding At Storrington (1938)
- Pat Ravenscroft marries Sir Walter de S Barttelot at the pretty...
Australia Retains The Ashes (1921)
- Australian cricketers win the Ashes, and we see England's skipper...
Bray Village Carnival (1921)
- Sir A. Griffith Boscawen and Phyllis Dereham marry in Bray and villagers...
Scottish Whips Wedding (1921)
- We see the wedding of Sir William Sutherland and Miss Fountain attended...
Sir Ross Smith AKA Tragedy Grim And Stark (1922)
- The tragic death of Ross Smith in aeroplane crash.
New Liner 'black Watch' Launched - Oslo (1938)
- Lady Mary Dormer launches a new liner ship in Oslo.
After Thirty Years (1929)
- Sir James Barrie visits Glasgow again, after 30 years, to open Housing and...
London Aeroplane Club (1925)
- Mrs Elliot Lynn wins ballot for first flight at London Aeroplane Club...
London - Sir Herbert Barker (1939)
- Footage of the Sir Herbert Barker and General Huntzger in London.
Sir Ernest Holderness (1926)
- Wedding of Sir Ernest Holderness to Emily McQuade.
- All Categories 4274
- Religion & Politics 1906
- Historical Figures &
Celebrities 1827 - War & Revolution 1221
- Lifestyle & Culture 681
- Travel & Exploration 667
- Sport & Leisure 573
- Entertainment & Humour 510
- Trade & Industry 330
- Science & Technology 277
- Fashion & Music 81
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